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2. európsky seminár o udržateľných mestsko-vidieckych partnestvách

seminár, ktorý organizuje Európska komisia v spolupráci s poľským regiónom Mazovia a OECD. Ide o 2. európsky seminár o udržateľných mestsko-vidieckych partnestvách - "Budovanie mestsko-vidieckych partnerstiev v budúcich európskych rozvojových programoch", ktorý sa uskutoční v Kopernikovom centre vedy vo Varšave v dňoch 24.-25. apríla 2013.

S pozdravom

Ing. Anna Molnárová, PhD.

Agentúra pre rozvoj vidieka

Akademická 4

94901 Nitra

+421 905 409 783

The European Commission, in collaboration with the Polish Mazovia region and the OECD, is organising the 2nd European Seminar on Sustainable Urban Rural Partnerships - “Building urban rural partnerships in future European development programmes”, held at the Copernicus Science Centre in Warsaw on 24-25 April 2013.

This high level event opened by the Polish Minister for Regional Development will provide an important opportunity for policymakers and stakeholders at European, national, regional and local level to better understand the practical aspects of urban rural partnerships and influence their implementation in future EU Cohesion Policy and Rural Development policy.     

The seminar builds on the lessons from in-depth case-studies carried out by the OECD covering a wide range of European as well as some non-European regions. The seminar will provide ample opportunities to discuss and learn more about the key issues around urban-rural partnerships: benefits and functions, supporting and hindering factors, financing, actors, etc. It will conclude by debating what can be done in practice to support urban rural partnerships in the programming of the European Structural and Investments Funds for the period 2014-2020.